Course: Entrance Exam Question Bank for Natural ...


Entrance Exam Question Bank for Natural Science

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English G-10 National Exam Question Set-1

Direction: – For items 1-34, out of the choices A, B, C, D only one is correct.
Choose the one that best completes each sentence.

1. There was a very severe accident there last week. A car hit a big tree and ________driver was seriously injured.
A. The
B. A
C. This
D. That

2. Just as I ________ to an intersection part of the story, the doorbell rang.
A. Was getting
B. Got
C. Am getting
D. Get

3. Gelila has been working in the bank ________1998. Now she has gained a good experience to work better ever before.
A. During
B. For
C. On
D. Since

4. Mother: I’ve gained more than three kilograms in two months.
Daughter: To be frank with you, I’m worried about your weight. I think you
A. Have taken some exercise
B. Ought to take some exercise.
C. Would rather take some exercise
D. Are taking some exercise

5. ________ the heavy and torrential rain, they continued the game throughout the day.
A. With respect to
B. Although
C. In spite of
D. Except for

6. New employees ________ by on one other than the manager.
A. Are always welcomed
B. Are always welcome
C. Have always welcome
D. Had always welcomed

7. We have been stuck in the traffic jam which is ________ than it used to be some years back.
A. Bad
B. Worse
C. A worse
D. The worst

8. In my job, Friday is________ day of the week.
A. A busier
B. The busier
C. A busiest
D. The busiest

9. Waiter: I always work late at weekends. How about you?
Waitress: ________
A. Nether do I
B. So do I
C. I do so
D. I don’t neither

10. Hadas: Hirut can’t play ground tennis very well.
Mihiret: ________
A. Seblewongel can either
B. Seblewongel can neither
C. Neither can Seblewongel
D. Either can Seblewongel

11. Lecturer: Where does your father regularly have meals?
Secretaty: My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic foods________. last week he went to a restaurant which serves deep – fried beef.
A. In fact
B. However
C. One thing
D. For example

12. Girma: ” What is the conclusion of your research? “
Genet ” ________”
A. A conclusion is more controversial
B. In general, women earn less than men
C. Because conclusions are essential in research
D. My research has a sound conclusion

13. It was ________beautiful day that we all decided to go out for a picnic.
A. So
B. So a
C. Such
D. Such a

14. Birkty is in good shape physically ________she doesn’t get much exercise.
A. Although
B. Because
C. And
D. However

15. There is still a lot to discuss. ________ we should start the meeting right now.
A. More over
B. Therefore
C. For example
D. Because

16. Is there ________milk in the fridge?
A. A lot of
B. Nothing
C. Any
D. None

17. They bought a dishwasher to________ life easier.
A. Make
B. Do
C. Work
D. Act

18. If you won a lottery. What ________you with it?
A. Will / do
B. Are / doing
C. Would / do
D. Were / doing

19. If ________ is allowed to teenagers, car accidents will alarmingly increase.
A. To drive
B. Drive
C. To driving
D. Driving

20. If this road is said to be a short cut to save some miles, I will certainly be the first________ use of it
A. Making
B. To make.
C. Make
D. To making

21. I will give you some more time. You ________think seriously before you make a decision.
A. Wouldn’t have to
B. Need to
C. Should have to
D. Won’t to

22. I am very tired because________ more of the day has been taken up by practical classes.
A. Less
B. Much
C. Few
D. Little

23. I went to the airport to see my brother off yesterday evening; sadly, I arrived________ to get the chance to say good bye to him.
A. More later
B. Late enough
C. Hardly late
D. Too late

24. I’ve actually tried phoning now and then, but every time I phone, there’s________ in to respond on time.
A. Nothing
B. Anyone
C. No one
D. Somebody

25. The children’s mother warned them________.
A. Not to go near the sea
B. To not go near the sea
C. Don’t go near the sea
D. “Don’t go near the sea”

26. Fana: What did they ask you in the interview yesterday?
Jaleta: ________
A. They asked me what am I planning to study.
B. They wanted to know what am I planning to study.
C. They asked me what are you planning to study.
D. They wanted to know what I am planning to study.

27. The school director wanted to know________.
A. Are you late, Aster?
B. If Aster was late.
C. If Aster is late.
D. Why was Aster late?

28. We have been studying English for eight years but we don’t fluently speak it ________.
A. Yet
B. Already
C. Also
D. Just

29. Doctor: I see. Let me ask you some questions________?
Patient: I used to smoke but not any longer.
A. Have you smoked
B. Are you smoking
C. Do you smoke
D. Were you smoking

30.This is the book that I have found in the box; ________ is it?
A. When
B. Where
C. Whom
D. Whose

31. We write letters to those with ________ we cannot talk.
A. Whom
B. When
C. What
D. Whose

32. I’ve decided not to stay here may longer. Tomorrow, by any means, I________ another place somewhere else to stay.
A. I’ve looked for
B. I’ll be looked for
C. I’m going to look for
D. I should be looking for

33. Have recently borrowed a novel to read at the weekend. It________ interesting.
A. Looks
B. Looks like
C. Is looking
D. Looked like

34. My boss is angry with me because I ________go to the office on time in the last few months. I always left home at 6 o’clock, but then, I couldn’t get a taxi to make it on time.
A. Frequently
B. Sometimes
C. Ever
D. Never

Directions: For items 35-37, choose the alternative that is correct in punctuation and capitalization.
A. My father always said, Be careful of what you wish for.
B. My father always said ” Be careful of what you wish for. “
C. My father always said, ” Be careful of, what you wish for. “
D. My father, always said, ” Be careful of, what you wish for. “

A. It was her money, not her charm or personality, that first attracted him.
B. It was money not her charm or personality that first attracted him.
C. It was her money, not her charm or personality that first attracted him.
D. It was her money; not her charm or personality that first attracted him.

A. My uncle thoroughly read ‘the Tale Of Two Cities ‘ last year.
B. My uncle thoroughly read ‘The Tale of Two Cities ‘ last year.
C. My uncle thoroughly read ‘the Tale of two Cities ‘ last year.
D. My uncle thoroughly read ‘The Tale Of two Cities ‘ last year.

For items 38-41, choose the best alternative for the meanings of the words written in bold.
38. Early warnings prevented many people from a major disaster.
A. Surrender
B. Surprise
C. Catastrophe
D. Disturbance

39. I can play the guitar very well, but many people do not know that I play it as a hobby.
A. An activity done for pleasure
B. A professional musician
C. A trained guitarist
D. A singer with a band

40. Many people utterly feel exhausted to continue working. In fact, the weather these days is getting more and more horrible.
A. Excellent
B. Comfortable
C. Unpleasant
D. Unpleasant

41. Harar Coffee is known for its better taste. It is increasingly becoming famous in the global market.
A. Local
B. Stock
C. International
D. Super

For items 42-45, choose the best alternative to complete each item.
42. A life – saving qualification is extremely. ________ rescue people from drowning.
A. Careful
B. Useful
C. Debatable
D. Arguable

43. The food in the new restaurant was so ________that I couldn’t stop eating.
A. Much
B. Little
C. Deliciou
D. Awful

44. The use of drugs in________is still a subject of public discussion.
A. Support
B. Export
C. Sport
D. Rapport

45. It is every one’s concern to hear that terrorists have the intention to ________a crime against innocent people.
A. Commit
B. Confer
C. Construct
D. Commend

Direction: For items 46- 51, read the flowing passage carefully. Then, choose the best answer for each question according to the information in the passage.

(1) Talent tower began as an experimental school in my hometown in England. But now, it is a demonstration school – it demonstrates that freedom works. When my first wife and I began the school, we had one main idea: to make the school fit the child instead of making the child fit the school.
(2) I had taught in ordinary school for many years. I knew the other way very well. I knew it was all wrong because it was based on an adult conception of what a child should learn. The other way dated from the days when psychology was still an unknown science.
(3) Well, we set out to make a school in which we should allow children freedom to be themselves . In order to do this, we had to renounce all discipline, all direction, all suggestion, all moral training, and religious instruction. We have been called brave, but it didn’t require courage . All it requited was what we had – complete belief in the child as a good, not an evil being. For almost fifty years, this belief in the goodness of the child has never wavered; it rather has become a final faith .
(4) My view is that a child is innately wise and realistic. If left to himself without adult suggestion of any kind , he will develop as far as he is capable of developing. What is Talent Tower like? Well, for one thing, lessons are optional. Children can go to them or stay away from them – for years if they want to. There is a timetable – but only for the teachers… The children have classes usually according to their age, but sometimes according to their interest. We have no new methods of teaching, because we do not consider that teaching in itself matters very much. Whether the school has special method is of no significance.
(5) Talent Tower is possibly the happiest school in the world. We have no truants and seldom a case of homesickness. We very rarely have fights quarrels, of course, but seldom have I seen a stand – up fight like the ones we used to have as boys. I seldom hear a child cry, because children when free have much than children who are less hate downtrodden. Hate breeds hate, and love breeds love. Love means approving of children, and that is essential in any school. You can’t be on the side of children if you punish them and storm at them. Talent Tower is a school in which the child knows that he is approved of.

46. According to the writer, in order for the child to be himself he needs to have________.
A. Fnowledge of science
B. Freedom
C. Courage
D. Religious values

47. According to the writer, the success of the child comes from
A. Brave teachers in the school.
B. Sound supervision by adults.
C. A belief in the goodness of the children.
D. Provision of moral training.

48. What do you think is the feeling of the writer to discipline in general?
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Wavering
D. Neutral

49. What does the word this (paragraph 3) refer to?
A. Allowing children to go to school
B. The setting out to make a school
C. Giving up of moral training
D. Letting of children to self – learn

50. What does downtrodden (last paragraph) mean?
A. Badly treated
B. Fighting
C. Annoying
D. Disciplined

51. What do you think is the tone of the author?
A. Flat
B. Moderate
C. Emphatic
D. Offensive

                                                                   Answer Table

1. A

27. B

2. B

28. A

3. C

29. C

4. B

30. D

5. C

31. A

6. A

32. C

7. C

33. D

8. D

34. D

9. B

35. C

10. C

36. A

11. D

37. B

12. B

38. C

13. D

39. A

14. A

40. C,& D (Duplicated by mistake)

15. B

41. C

16. C

42. B

17. A

43. C

18. C

44. C

19. D

45. A

20. B

46. B

21. C

47. C

22. B

48. C

23 . D

49. D

24. C

50. A

25. A

51. C

26. D


Explanation Table


Answer : A
The sentence is about a particular – already known – driver who is already introduced / indentified by two when such is the case , the clauses before the blank definite article the ‘ is used before the noun concerned , as to the demonstrative this- C and that – D they are used to point out a noun around the speaker : near or at a certain distance . In this case , the sentence is about car accident which took place before a week .


Answer : B – got
The first part of the sentence is not about the reading of the story , but the exact moment in between ending one part and moving to the other- this point is well
implied by the adverb ” just ” in the beginning of the clause , which means exactly ; precisely -point of time . This means neither ” A ” nor ” C ” can be correct since they are progressive . As to the tense , verb ” ring ” which happened at the sometime with the first part tells us that it should be simple past – simultaneous events in the simple past .


Answer : C -since
Present perfect continuous tense – has / have been + Vā‚ ing is usually used to express events going on / not completed at the moment of speaking . starting from the past . Thus , we use ” since ” to indicate starting / beginning time – ” 1998 ” in this context ; and ” for ” to indicate period of time like for a year ; for five years ; for one hour ; etc.


Answer : B- you ought to take some exercise
One of the functions of ” ought to ” is to express advice . In this context , the ” daughter ” is giving advice to her ” mother ” since over weight may affect health- that is why the daughter said , ” I’m worried … ” Indication of trouble problem . ” would rather ” is used to express preference – better choice like ” I would rather take can not fit here exercise than get treatment ” . It because the other alternative is not mentioned any where in the context . As to ” A and D ” ; they do not match with the expression ” I’m worried … ” .


Answer : C – In spite of
In this sentence two opposing / contrasting ideas ” heavy and torrential rain , and continuing the game ” – are joined . This means , the right ( best ) answer should be either ” B or C ” since ” A and D ” do not fit since the sentences before the comma is not a clause , but a phrase . Usually ” despite and in spite of are used to introduced phrases of contrast / concession .


Answer : A – are always welcomed
This sentence is in the passive voice in which the verb form must be the same tense of ” be + past participle – form of the main verb- in this case ” are ( simple present + welcomed – ( past participle ) form of welcome ” . The rest of the alternatives – ” B , C and D ” – are active forms ,


Answer : C – worse
The conjunction ” than ” is used in a comparatively degree comparison ; ” worse ” is used in the comparative ” worst ” in the superlative degree ; In choice ” C a worse ” is s , wrong because of the article ” a ” since ” worse ” is not a noun , or followed by a noun like ” a worse condition , result and book ” are nouns respectively . 


Answer : D- the busiest
This is a superlative degree comparison comparing more than things two thing ; and D is the superlative degree , the article ” the ” is before the superlative form when necessary if the superlative form is followed by a noun – ” the busiest day ” in this context . Note that ” day ” is a noun .


Answer : B – so do I
This way of joining two affirmative ( positive ) and negative sentences is
– I go to church every Sunday .

  • My sister goes to church every Sunday ,
  • l go to church every Sunday , and my sister does , too . I go to church every Sunday , and so does my sister too  .
  • -You haven’t submitted the assignment , – I haven’t submitted the assignment . You haven’t submitted the assignment , and neither have I
    You haven’t submitted the assignment , and I haven’t either .
    Note , that ” so and too are used in affirmative
    negative sentences . Since ” neither nor are negative – sentences , and ” neither and either ” are used in from the auxiliary verb . Also note the ” inversion – V means not either ” – the negative marker is dropped ( auxiliary ) + S , not S + V , in the case of ” so , neithernand nor ” .


Answer : C – Neither can Seblewongel :
This means ” Also Sebelewngel can’t play tennis very well .


Answer : D -For example
The second sentence introduced by ” For example , … ” supports ; gives evidence ; clarifies the idea / point already stated- ” going to a restaurant ” in this context . ” A in fact ” may be used with general or central idea , not specific detail ; ” B However ” is used with opposing idea , not support ; and ” C- one thing ” implies other things- at least one more which does not exist in this context .


Answer : B- In general , woman earn less than men The discourse markers like ” in general / generally ; eventually ; finally , consequently , as a whole , etc. , are among indicators of concluding remark . ” A and C ” are facts about a research – not about ” Genet’s research and ” D ” can not be an answer to ” Girma’s ” question
use his question is not if ” Genet’s research has a conclusion or not . If so , ” Girma’s question would be like ” Does your research have a conclusion ? ” 


Answer : D – such a
As can be understood from the given alternatives , ” A D ” , this question is about ” so … , that and such a / an … that ” expressions used to introduce a clause of result . Since ” that ” is already in the sentence ” that we all … ” , our answer should be either ” A or D ” . Thus , due to the noun ” day ” before the that , ” D ” best completes the sentence . The same sentence can be using ” so … that ” expression as :
The day was so beautiful that we all decided to go out for a picnic ( Due to the noun before the ” that ” ) .


Answer : A -although
The clauses before the blank and after the blank are opposing / contrasting ” good shape but no exercise ” . Thus , our answer should be either ” A or D ” since ” B because ( reason ) and C- and ( addition cr support ) ” do ” however ” happens not express contrast .
When “However ”  happens  between clauses , it should be enclosed , ( separated by ) a semicolon and a comma- ; however , – or a full stop and a comma- However , Note that it must be capitalized after a full stop . This rule applies to similar conjunctions . ( adverbial conjunctions like ” therefore ; more over ; never the less ; besides ; etc.


Answer : B -Therefore
The relationship between the two clauses is ” reason – result cause effect ” . In such cases , ” Therefore ; for this reason ; as a result ; or consequently ” ; should be used.


Answer : C – any
or find out about the amount of milk ( unknown ) , ” a lot of ” means ” much ” can not be appropriate . the rest ” nothing and none ” – are not adjectives , but pronouns.


Answer : A -make
This is a question of using appropriate ( right , correct ) word in a sentence as used by the native speakers . ” To make life easier ” means to avoid or tiresome work . the rest of the alternatives , ” B , C and D ” are not used with such expressions ; people live life ; enjoy life ; have life ; make life ; etc. , but not ” do life ; work life ; or act life not acceptable phrasing . For example , phrases like ” do assignment submit assignment ; have assignment are acceptable ; but play assignment ; buy assignment ; sleep assignment ; etc. , are not acceptable because they don’t mean anything no meaning means no communication .


Answer : C – would / do
This sentence is a type II conditional sentence , as the verb ” won ” in the ” if clause ” indicated . That means , ” the main clause / result clause ” should be ” would + V1 “.


Answer : -D – driving
” Driving ” is a ” gerund verbal noun ” . Verbal nouns like ” saving , parking , reading , teaching , etc. , can be used as ordinary nouns . The ” if clause ” here is in the passive voice as indicated by the verb- ” is allowed ” next to the blank . This means what is needed in the blank is object in the place of the subject . And this implies that the verb ” is allowed ” – next to the place of the subject . And this implies that the verb is ” allow ” ” driving ” means driving car ” as the following . “
They allow driving ; don’t allow driving to teenagers . Thus , choice ” A and C ” infinitive and gerund ” cannot be used in this context because they don’t complete the sentence . Look at the following examples :
My father does not allow me to drive a car . I objected to driving the camels in the rain . I don’t know how to drive animals .
The point here is that ” infinitive and gerund ” are restricted to certain verbs and sentence .


Answer : B- to make
when a verb comes next ordinal numbers like the first , the tenth , the last , etc. , it is usually used in to + V1 ( infinitive phrase ) form if the tense is simple present or future like the second to arrive , the fourth to win , the last to leave , etc.


Answer : C should have to
The model auxiliary ” should have to ” is the only can be used , as the rule tells us that ” need and dare ” are model II verbs used in negative and interrogative sentence . And ” A and D ” do not fit in this context since they are negative – ” more time is given for thinking seriously ” -in addition ” won’t – will not – D ” is a wrong from since ” will ” is not at all followed by to + V1 form ungrammatical .


Answer : B- much
There are two points to consider: One, ” very tired ” in the result clause (first part) grammar rule that does not allow comparative forms- ” less ” in this case- as intensifiers : we use positive ( root ) forms before comparative forms of adjectives or adverbs – like far better not farther better ; little stronger , not less stronger ; much more intelligent , not intelligent ; etc. In addition, adjectives like ” few / a few ” are used with countable nouns / thing; not with uncountable nouns / things: we says few hours, little time, many hours , much time , etc.


Answer : D- too late
” Sadly ” in the beginning of the sentence expresses sense- un happiness . This means , the speaker didn’t get the chance ; and ” too late to get the chance- ” means unable / notable to get the chance- the ” too … to ” expression is used to indicate negative result . Look at the following examples :
The question was too difficult to answer ” means : The question was so difficult that I / we could not
answer it .
” This book is too expensive ( for me ) to buy . “
means :
This is such an expensive book that I can not buy it . As to the rest of the alternatives , ” A- more later ” is a wrong form as already discussed in question No 22 ; ” B late enough ” means sufficiently late ; that means ” not to get the chance / to miss , lose the chance ” – it does not fit in this context ; and ” C- hardly late ” , almost not late ,  that means , ” to get the chance ” which is not the case in this context.


Answer : C – no one
The conjunction ” but ” indicates opposite / contrasting clause absence of response to the repeated phoning ; that means , not anyone / no one answered . ” Nothing ( not any thing ) – A ” can not replace ( not used to substitute ) human nouns ; and ” some body -D ” is used body / someone in the room .

in affirmative sentence . We say :
. There is some( affirmative ) there isn’t anybody / anyone in the room
( negative )
There is no body / no one in the room . ( negative )


Answer : A- not to go near the sea
The sentence here is in the reported speech in which the verb in the direct speech is changed into infinitive phrase – to + V1 / not to + V1 . Look at the following :
The teacher said , ” Be quite ! ” ( direct speech ) The teacher ordered us to be quite . ( Reported speech ) My mother warned , ” Don’t disturb me ! ” My mother warned me not to disturb her . 


Answer : D They wanted to know what I amplanning to study
This is also in the reported speech of an interrogative sentence / question in which V + S arrangement should be changed into S + V . Look at the following example :
The teacher asked , ” What is your name ? ” ( direct speech )
The teacher asked / wanted to know what my name is . ( Reported speech )
Note that ” is your name . V + S ” in the direct speech is changed in to ” my name is- S + V ” in the reported speech


Answer : B- if Aster was late

This again is a reported speech of an interrogative / question- the question is an auxiliary verb question , not ” wh ” word question . In the reported speech form of 

auxiliary question , ” if / whether ” is used to join the introductory phrase- ” The school director wanted to know ” in this particular case and the main sentence ” Aster was late ” . The other point is the change of the verb in the direct speech into the next past form in the report .

Speech except in some cases such as fact and ideas state of being or actions that might not be completed during the report . That is why the verb in the answer for question No 26- ” are / am planning ” and the verb in the verb in the example- ” is ” are not changed . however , the verb ” is ” in this question should be changed into the past ” since ” to be late or not is completed right at the moment of speaking . Thus , choice ” C ” can’t be answer here . As to ” A and D ” , they are wrong according to the explanation both in numbers 26 and 27. Look at the following examples :

My friend asked , ” Are you free this period ? ” My friend asked if I was free that period . ( completed )

Ayele asked . ” will you go to Soderie next week ” Ayele asked me if we will go to Soderie the following week . ( Not completed )


Answer A- yet

” Yet ” as a time adverb can be used to indicate an event started / going on from the past and not completed at the moment of speaking – present might continue to the future . ” B -already ” means at / before the moment of speaking -usually indicating events : started / completed ; and ” D- just ” means exactly / precisely at the moment of speaking -usually indicating happening . As to ” also – C ” does not indicate time , it means added to- something in addition to the one mentioned before .


Answer : C- Do you smoke
The question here is about a habit that happens everyday , not about a single moment as in ” A and D ” . The ” patient’s ” answer ” used to smoke ” – past habit – clearly indicates the nature of the question . As to ” B are smoking ” , it is a present progressive – going on at the moment speaking : it can’t be correct here since the ” patient ” is not doing it at the moment of speaking as can be learned from the answer .


Answer : D- whose

The same person who found the book is asking the question ; therefore , ” A – when the time ” can’t be correct since it is known to the person ; ” B- where -place ” is already known- ” in the box ; ” and ” C – whom ” is used to replace human nouns as object or predicate – not things ” book ” in this case . Whose is a possessive adjective- indicating ownership – owner of the ” book ” in this particular case .


Answer : A – whom

” Whom ” in this case is used to replace ” some people ” in the predicate part : ” with whom we can not talk ” the relative clause is the same as ” we can not talk with some people ” .


Answer : C – I’m going to look for

– ” I’ve As can be understood from the first part decided … ” – the decision is already made . When we talk about a future event after decision , ” be going to + Vā‚ am going to look ” in this particular context – is used . The future forms ” should be looking ” etc. , are used when a decision is made right at the moment of speaking . That is why ” D ” can not be correct here . ” A ” is present perfect that can not be used with future time indicator ” tomorrow ” ; and ” B ” is wrong- passive form since the sentence is not passive ; and the meaning some one will look for me – does not fit in this context .


Answer : D- looked like

” Look like ” means ” seem or appear ” – when we express felling or judgment by appearance . In this sentence , the judgment was done during the borrowing -of the book- ” have recently borrowed ” indicates simple past- not long ago . Thus , ” A and B ” , which mean almost the same are simple present ; they don’t match the first part ; and
is looking ” – is grammatically wrong since ” look- state verb ” – is not normally used in the ” – ing / continuous form .


Answer : D- never

” Never ” means ” not any time ” ; and implies something not taking place . the idea here is negative- ” angry ; couldn’t get a taxi , ” etc. , indicate the speaker’s in ability / not able to get to the office . The rest three- ” A , B and C ” have positive meaning unless they are used with a negative verb in the sentence like did not frequently get ; have not some times got ; etc. , or words idea like ever negative describing got late ; frequently / sometimes reached late / too late , etc. 


Answer : C- My father always said , ” be careful of what you wish for . “

Examples of sentences in the direct speech are also given in the explanation of questions number 25 , 26 and 27. The first words of both the introductory phrase ” my father always said , ” in this case and the actual speech- ” be careful … ” – should be capitalized . Secondly , a comma should be used at the end of the introductory phrase . Thirdly , the actual speech should be in closed in a quotation mark . Other uses of the comma- like in the middle of phrase and clauses are the same as other sentences ; that is why choice ” D ” is wrong .


Answer : A- it was her money , not her charm or personality , that first attracted him .

The answer here- ” A ” – is a very good example of using two commas in the middle of a sentence ; to separate a word or phrase not essentially part of a sentence , but used for extra / additional information . Thus , the sentence here is : ” it was her money that first attracted him . ” I is complete and meaningful . The taking out of ” not her charm or personality ” does not affect the structure or the meaning of the sentence .


Answer : B- my uncle thoroughly – read ‘ the tale of two sites ‘ last year .

as can be understood from all the alternatives the title of a book in a sentence should be enclosed in a as can be understood from all the alternatives the title quotation mark . The other rule is capitalization : ” each title is capitalized , except articles ,word in and conjunctions :however , the exceptions- articles , prepositions and conjunctions are also capitalized if they are the first word of the title .


Answer : C- catastrophe

” Catastrophe “in this context means “sudden and great disaster”. The phrase” early warning and many people ” in the sentence determine the meaning. Note that the other meaning of catastrophe can be” disturbance or things”: however, the sentence over throwing order

here is not about order or power, but about people . As to “A- surrender”, it means “submit or give in” to the enemy like in a fight or war; and “B-surprise” means sudden or unexpected act-negative, like attack or positive, such as amaze or wonder- it is the opposite “early warning” in this context .


Answer: A- an activity done for pleasure

The rest of the choices- “B, C and D” – profession, occupation or job are activities done for income or to earn a living, not done for pleasure.


Answer : unpleasant

Note that there is a typing error: in the second part of the question, in the alternatives “C and D” one of them should be either “pleasant” or any other word . Anyways “horrible” means “causing terror, frightful, very bad or unpleasant “. Thus, it is in the opposite of “A- excellent and B- comfortable.


Answer : C- international

“Globe refer to the whole world, as contrasted to “local” with in the country .


Answer: B – useful

The sentence is about a swimming kill used to “rescue save” people from sinking/drowning. Thus, it is useful , important. “A – careful” is not used to describe skill, but animals; and “C and D” refer to humans. or reasons / ideas both” for (supporting) and against controversial. A life saving qualification (opposing) can not be controversial there is nothing wrong in saving lives.


Answer : C- delicious

The sentence is not about quantity / amount as in ” A and B ” because ” couldn’t stop eating ” in the result clause already implies that the food was sufficient . And ” 1 D- awful ” means very bad ” which means not appetizing ; but ” delicious means stimulating the appetite.


Answer : C- sport

” Use of drugs in sport ” means sport men and women’s using dugs illegally . The rest of the words – in ” A , B and D ” – do not make any sense in this context . 


Answer : A commit

” Commit ” means ” do or perform evil , crime ” . The rest of the words in ” B , C and D ” can not be used with a conference ; ” construct ” means build , make , Items 46-61 Questions in the passage 


Answer : B- freedom

It is stated in paragraph 3 , sentence 1,2nd line .


Answer : C- a belief in the goodness of children

The last two sentences of paragraph 3 , and first and second sentences of paragraph 4 state ” belief in the goodness of the child and developing : he / she is capable of developing “.


Answer ; C – negative

According to paragraph 3 , starting from 2nd sentence , the writer states that they ” renounced ” all discipline , To renounce means to give up , to cease the practice – it means to stop or to deny : negative / to be against .


Answer : D – letting of children to self – learn H this refers to ” should According to paragraph 3 , allow children to be themselves ” – ” to allow ” means ” to let ” ; and ” be themselves ” means ” self – learn “. 


Answer : A- badly treated

This idea is expressed in paragraph 5 , lines 5-8 : using ” hate , punish , storm ” examples of bad treatment .


Answer : C- emphatic

” Tone ” means a manner of speaking or writing that shows a certain attitude on the part of the speaker or the writer . In the passage , expressions


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