Course: Entrance Exam Question Bank for Natural ...


Entrance Exam Question Bank for Natural Science

Text lesson

English-EUEE FOR 2012-13

DIRECTIONS: Questions 1_38 are incomplete sentences.
These are four Alternative words or phrases, A-D, given below each question. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate sheet provided.

1. ______telephones first appeared they were called talking telegraphs.
A. When
B. Then
C. Later on
D. Next

2. The exam______at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow moming.
A. is starting
B. starts
C. starting
D. is started

3. I think she did an excellent job on her presentation.
A. Neither did 1
B. Neither do I
C. So, did I.
D. So, do I

4. The more people come to the party, food will be needed.
A. the Least
B. the more
C. the less
D. the most

5. It took us_______hour and a half to arrive at the tourist site.
A. a
B. for
C. the
D. an

6. We have to hurry up, or we be able to catch the bus.
A. may not
B. shall
C. do not
D. oughtn’t to

7. Then years have passed my mother died.
A. during
B. for
C. since
D. when

8. Speaking on the phone, if you press the red button, the call________
A. ends
B. would end
C. is ending
D. ended

9. The professor said that he _______ in a university.
A. is teaching
B. had taught
C. Would taught
D. will teach

10. Peter has reorganized his files________he can easily find what he is looking for.
A. such that
B. at that
C. that is
D. so that

11. It is a matter of time________that good thing will come and when it comes, it will be a surprise.
A. There is no doubt
B. I have a doubt
C. There is no use
D. We can’t be certain

12. I went shopping_______My sister cleaned the house.
A. the time being
B. in a while
C. meanwhile
D. during

13. Biology _______is very interesting to study.
A. that is my favourite subject
B. Which is my favourite subject
C. which is my favourite subject
D. that is my favourite subject,

14. I will a decision next week about whether or not to buy a ring.
A. be made
B. be done
C. make
D. do

15. Many accidents occur drivers are often reckless.
A. so that
B. despite
C. however
D. because

16. She wondered if anew laptop.
A. you had bought
B. you have been bought
C. I have been bought
D. I had bought

17. Meron decided home as soon as possible.
A. going
B. to go
C. go
D. to going

18. I _______I studied harder in school.
A. am wishing
B. will wish
C. would wish
D. wish

19. The marketing plan 1 was talking about was the one that may be implemented recently.
A. can
B. how
C. which
D. would

20. If I________her, I would learn more from her.
A. met
B. have met
C. meet
D. would have meet

21. Sleep is not her friend the day.
A. as
B. while
C. during
D. since

22. You wouldn’t have lost your job if you your boss.
A. didn’t insult
B. hadn’t insulted
C. haven’t insulted
D. don’t insult

23. You get professional advice before buying very expensive materials
A.  would better
B. had better
C. ought
D. had

24. My classmate goes to school by bus I walk every day.
A. whereas
B. since
C. So
D. because

25. The hospital has a backup generator, there is a power failure
A. in the case of
B. instead
C. incase
D. in the fact of

26. The whole story by the kids in a few days.
A. was forgotten
B. forgets
C. forgot
D. had forgotten

27. I can’t sleep! That noise is really________
A. annoy
B. annoying
C. annoyanc
D. annoyed

28. You try paying them more money to get the job done.
A. have to
B. are to
C. were to
D. should

29. I finished work,______to the beach and found a nice place to swim.
A. is walking
B. walks 
C. walked
D. was walking

30. The committee ________the issue thoroughly at the meeting  yesterday.
A. was discussed
B. discusses
C. is discussed
D. discussed

31.______she_________that soup without reading a recipe?
A. Has/made
B. Has/make
C. Has/taste
D. Has/taste

32. I will raise your case ________I see  Manager.
A. for
B. immediate
C. when
D. since

33. I wish______to your advice  about spending  my money wisely.
A. listen
B. had listened
C. would listen
D. have listened

34. Thomas: Constant use of social media leads to low reading habits
        Gebre: ________
A. agree with you entirely
B. I won’t say that
C. I have the right to say that
D. I don’t have reading habits

35. Abebe: car was blocking the street?     
    Tesfaye: It was my uncle’s car.
A. What
B. Whose
C. Who
D. Whom

36. He the accident if he had been more careful.
A. would have avoided
B. avoided
C. would avoid
D. will avoid

37. The hens plenty of eggs in three weeks’ time.
A. have died
B. have been lied
C. have laid
D. have been laid

38. I kept on looking for a sign, but I see anything for it was so dark.
A. can’t
B. couldn’t
C. might
D. may

II. Comprehension
DIRECTIONS: Read the following passages carefully and answer Question 39 -58 according to the information therein. Each question has four choices, A-D. Choose the best alternative and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

Section One: Reading Passage I

1. Where would modern society be without advertising? Individual advertisers might think they are just trying to sell a particular product but  advertising as a whole sells an entire lifestyle. It weren’t for advertising the whole of society would be quite different. The economy, for instance, would be planed into a crisis without the adverts and all the publicity that fuel out desire for limitless consumption.

2. As John Berger observed in his book “Ways of Seeing” all advertising conveys the same simple  message: my life will be richer, more fulfilling one I make the next  crucial purchase. Adverts persuade us with their images of other: who have apparently been transformed and are, as a result, enviable. The purpose is to make me marginally dissatisfied with my life- not with the life of society, just with individual life. I’ am supposed to imagine myself transformed after the purchase into of envy for others- a1 envy which will then given  me back my love of myself.

3. The prevalence of this social envy is a necessary condition if advertising is to have any hold  on us whatsoever. Only if we have got into the habit of comparing ourselves with and finding ourselves lacking, will we fall prey to the power of advertising.

4. While fanning the flames of our envy advertising keeps us preoccupied with ourselves, cur houses, our cars, our holidays and the endless line of new electronic gadgets suddenly seem indispensable. Tensions in society and problem in the rest of the world, if attended to at all, quickly fade into the background. They are certainly nothing to get particularly worked 1p about. After all, there can’t be nay winners without losers. That’s life.

5. People like John Beryer are also not entirely over the moon about the impact that advertising and shopping have on the value political freedom. Freedom is supposed to be the highest value in in our societies  but in the age of the consumer that freedom is all too readily identified with the freedom to choose between Pepsi and Coke McDonald’s and  Kentucky Fried Chicken, Toyota and Ford, and people lose interest in  the various political freedoms and our ability to participate in the process of exercising democratic control. There are lots of criticism that could be made of modern democracies, but no one is going to pay much attention to them if they are more interested in becoming happy shoppers.

6. In all these ways advertising helps to keep the whole socio-economic show on the road. We are rarely aware of this because we are too busy working to earn the money to pay for the objects of our dreams that play on the screen of our mind like the little clips of film we see in the commercial breaks.

39. Political freedom is mentioned in the passage to illustrate that
A. freedom is equated with the choice that people make between different products.
B. societies value political freedom more than advertising.
C. advertising and political freedom are equally valued by societics in the age of consumption.
D. people need political freedom in order to be able to make choices between different products.

40. One benefit of advertising according to the information in the passage is that.
A. Consumers will buy products of their choices.
B. It prevents the economy from plummeting into crisis.
C. Adverts limit the endless desire for consumption.
D. People need publicity to fuel their needs.

41.The word them (in paragraph 5) refers to
A. modern democracies
B. advertisers
C. shopper
D. criticisms

42. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that
A. Social envy creates the end need for advertising.
B. people compare themselves with others in order to have what they think they need and what they lack.
C. The prevalence of social envy is a necessary condition for advertising.
D. The influence of advertising lies in its power to make people envious of others.

43. Which one of the following statements is true according to the pas sage?
A. Advertising forces us to be less concerned about tensions in society and other social problems.
B. Advertising advises us to give more attention to things that are of concern to us collectively.
C. New electronic gadgets are truly indispensable.
D. Advertising adds to our existing problems.

44. In the passage, the writer says that
A. advertising is more than merely trying to sell a product.
B. advertising is a key factor in human existence.
C. society would have no place in the modern world without advertising.
D. advertising has little influence on our lifestyle.

45. The writer is more concerned about
A. the criticisms made of modern democracies.
B. the attention given to modern democracies
C. the happiness of shoppers as a result of good advertising.
D. the lack of attention given to the criticisms made of modern democracies.

46. Advertising influences us by
A. Making us compare ourselves with other members of the society.
B. Helping us transform our individual lives
C. Showing us how we will become richer in life.
D. Making us desire to have what we lack but others have.

47. The writer of the passage
A. is critical of advertising.
B. says that advertising should be used more carefully.
C. describes how advertising works.
D. argues against the use of advertising.

48. The passage can be summarized as
A. the impact of advertising on the economy.
B. advertising and consumerism.
C. the power of advertising.
D. advertising and the freedom of choice.

Section Two: Reading Passage II

1. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to receive and M.D. degree since the Renaissance, graduating from Geneva Medical College, in New York State, in 1849. She supported women’s medical education and helped many other women’s careers. By establishing the New York Infirmary in 1857, she offered a practical solution to one of the problems facing women who were ejected from internships elsewhere but determined to expand their skills as physicians. She also published several important books on the issue of women in medicine, including Address on the Medical Education of women in 1864 and Medicine as a Profession for Women in 1860.

2. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in Bristol, England in 1821, to Hannah Lane and Samuel Blackwell. Both for financial reasons and because her father wanted to help abolish slavery, the family moved to America when Elizabeth was eleven years old. Her father died in 1838. As adults, his children campaigned for women’s rights and supported the anti-slavery movement.

3. In her book Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women. published in 1895. Dr. Blackwell wrote that she was initially repelled by the ideas of studying medicine she said “heated everything connected with the body and cloud not bear the sight of a medical  book… My favorite studies were history and metaphysics, and the very thought of dwelling on the physical structure of the body and its various ailments filled me with disgust” Instead she went teaching, then considered more suitable for a woman. She claimed that she turned to medicine after a close friend who was dying suggested she would have been spared her worst suffering if her physician had been woman.

4. Blackwell had no idea how to become a physician, so she consulted with several physicians knows by her family. They told her it was a fine idea, but impossible; it was too expensive and such education was not available to women. Yet Blackwell reasoned that if the idea were a good one, there must be some way to do it, and she was attracted by the challenge. She convinced two physician friends to let her read medicine with them for a year, and applied to all the medical schools in New York and Philadelphia. She also applied to twelve more schools in the northeast states and was accepted by Geneva Medical College in 1847. The faculty, assuming that the all-male student body would never agree to a woman joining their rank, allowed them to vote her admission. As a joke, they voted “yes” and she gained admittance, despite the reluctance of most students and faculty. Two years later, in 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive an M.D. degree from an America medical school.

5. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell established a practice in New York City, but had few patients and few opportunities for intellectual exchange with other physicians and “the means of increasing medical knowledge which dispensary practice affords.” She applied for a job as physician at the women’s department of a large city dispensary, but was refused. In 1853, with the help of friends, she opened her own dispensary in a single rented room, seeing patients three afternoon a week.

49. They in paragraph 4 refers to
A. Women
B. Blackwell’s family
C. Physician
D. Several people

50.  According to paragraph 3, why did Blackwell change her mind to study medicine? Because (of)

51. What does the word physicians mean in paragraph 1?
A. Doctors
B. Medical assistances
C. Physics graduates
D. Nurses

52. In paragraph 3, she would have been spared her worst suffering if her physicians had been a woman. What does this idea imply?
A. Women who study medicine were not successful.
B. Men physicians were not experienced.
C. Women physicians by nature are efficient.
D. The medical profession was dominated by men.

53. Which one of the following paragraphs shows that Blackwell was reluctant to study medicine?
A. Paragraph 3
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 1
D. Paragraph 4

54. What contribution did Blackwell make to make to women interested in medicine as a profession?
A. She gave free medical service.
B. She supported the medical education.
C. She helped the poor financially.
D. She made medicines accessible.

55. Which one of the following statements is WRONG about Elizabeth Blackwell?
A. She was born in England.
B. She moved America for financial reason.
C. She lost her father at the age of 17.
D. She moved to America in 1932.

56. The cation of the all-male student body___________.
A. appreciated Blackwell’s ambition to be a physician
B. found evidence of Blackwell’s reluctance to join the college
C. let Blackwell gain admittance in Geneva Medical College
D. Voted yes honestly to admit Blackwell in the college

57. What do paragraph 4 and 5 have in common?
A. The challenges and successes of Blackwell
B. Opportunities one could miss in life
C. Biological information of a woman
D. The admission of Blackwell into the college

58. The passage mainly focuses on the________
A. campaign for women’s right
B. social barriers women could face
C. availability of medicine education for women
D. work ethics of physicians in the 19th century

Section Three: Sentence Comprehension
DIRECTIONS: For items 59 and 60. Choose the sentence that is closets in meaning to the head sentence. Each question has four choices, A-D, Choose the best alternative and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided

59. Unlike the buses in the operations, the ones which are to be imported have significant improvements.
A. Both the buses in operation and those to be imported gave similar improvements.
B. Neither the buses in operation nor the ones to be imported have significant improvements.
C. The buses which are to be imported are more updated than the ones that are in operation.
D. The buses in operation are to be replaced by the buses imported with little improvements.

60. There is no reason why our customers can’t use our services as long as we provide regular services with quality.
A. There is a reason for customers not use our services as far as services with quality are provided.
B. Our customers can’t use our services even if we provide regular services with quality.
C. There is a tendency that excellent services drive away customers.
D. Give genuine services bring customer’s satisfaction.

DIRECTIONS: Questions 61-68, each has an underlined word or phrase. There are four alternatives A – D given after each sentence. Choose one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word or phrase and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

61. One her return from a trip, she got an accident resulting in the amputation on her right leg.
A. Sickness
B. Scratch
C. Fitness
D. Impairment

62. He has promised his son a new bicycle for Christmas and nothing will break his resolution.
A. Relation
B. Decision
C. Talent
D. Ability

63. The price of goods are known for their variability because they increase and decrease every other day.
A. Fluctuation
B. Transition
C. Evenness
D. Certainty

64. Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of attractive bonuses and overtime.
A. Considerable
B. Fixed
C. Distinct
D. Sensitive

65. The economy requires a stable environment in order to grow rapidly
A. Solitary
B. Precious
C. Firm
D. Successful

66. Despite a cancer diagnosis, Melat would remain resilient and fight without losing hope until the every end.
A. Wealth
B. Spirit
C. Alternative
D. Right

67. As a parent, I have the discretion to determine which TV programs my children may watch.
A. Desperate
B. Rude
C. Strong
D. Calm

68. I have to unzip my jacket because it is getting very hot.
A. Fasten
B. Undo
C. Unlocks
D. Zip up

DIRECTIONS: Questions 69-76 are incomplete sentences. There are Choose four alternative words or phrases, A – D, given below each question. one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

69. You can get advice from some_____ students, as they have more experience.
A. ambitious
B. underage
C. senior
D. junior

70. There was a significant _____ in crop production because of the shortage of rain.
A. reduction
B. proportion
C. rise
D. amount

71. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is _____ and can’t make a change.
A. worth
B. insignificant
C. faithful
D. independent

72. Applicants should have ______ experience in the relevant area to apply for the job.
A. prior
B. popular
C. access
D. difficult

73. Sleep disorders can cause serious ______and psychological 
A. meteorological
B. difficulty
C. psychological
D. mood

74. Mu grandfather’s face was______with age
A. wrinkled
B. frowned
C. surprised
D. confused

75. The disease is ______ and you can catch it easily if you are not more careful.
A. severe
B. infections
C. tropical
D. malnourishment

76. He couldn’t  been  successful without my help, but I want to_____anything from his achievements.
A. taken back
B. take away
C. take out
D. take off

III. Writing
DIRECTIONS Questions 77-79 are related to different types of writing .Read each of them carefully and chose the best answer from four alternative answers, A -D, given. Then blacken the letter of your choice in the space provided on the answer sheet.  

Section One:  
Letter Writing: Items 77-79 are based on letter writing. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer according to the given context Then blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet.

77. A letter with the opening salutation ‘Dear or Madam’ most likely C. Yours faithfully ends in:
A. Best wishes
B. Yours sincerely
C. Yours faithfully
D. Lots of love

78. I am W/o Almaz an I am writing this letter to inform you that my 5-year-old-son Belete will remain absent for class the next two days letter written to because of sickness. This short extract is most likely taken from a
A. Ask information
B. A school principal
C. Give an invitation
D. A football coach

79. Could you please ship it to me by mail? I will immediately transfer the cost involved to a bank your area. This is most likely taken from
A. The ending of formal letter
B. The beginning of formal letter
C. The body of a letter to a friend
D. The body of formal letter

Section two: Paragraph Coherence
Directions: when put in the correct order, sentences in questions 80-83 make up a complete paragraph, from the alternative A-D given in each case, choose the letter that contains the correct order of the sentences and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet.

80. a. Milk  teeth loosen and fall out when a child is about 6 years old.
      b. Humans grow two sets of teeth in their lives.
      c. When a personal is around 20-25, four additional black teeth grow called wisdom teeth.
      d. The first set has 20 teeth called milk teeth.
      e. The second set has 28 teeth that replace the milk teeth and are called permanent teeth.
A. b, d, e, a, c
B. b, d, a, c, e
C. c, b, d, e, a
D. a, d, e, c, b
b= Topic sentence dea = specific sentences c=concluding sentence

81. a. People are used to talking aspirin whenever they feel pain.
      b. It’s scientifically proven that excessive use of aspirin turns it in to a toxin.
      c. It’s true that aspirin is an effective pain killer; for example, in headache cases.
      d. However, aspirin like in other medicine can be dangerously harmful.
      e. Aspirin can be a fatal poison.
A. c, e, d, b, a
B. b, a, d, e, c
C. e, a, c, d, b
D. d, a, c, b, e
acd=specific sentences b= concluding sentence e=Topic sentence

82. a. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds
      b. It is fairly a recent invention.
      c. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that hu- mans would need years to complete.
      d. Computer is one of the greatest advances in modern technology
      e. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated works.
A. a, c, d, c, b
B. b, c, a, e, d
C. d, b, e, c, a
D. c, e, d, a, b

83. a. John lived with his mother and father in a village on the edge of the forest.
      b. John always woke up early in the morning and went to school.
      c. He was a good and he helped his parents in the fields when he got home from school.
      d. Life was quiet the village and most of the people who lived there were farmers.
      e. At night, he usually slept very well after he had studied hard.
A. a, d, b, c, e
B. a, d, c, e, b
C. b, e, a, d, c
D. e, c, b, d, a
a = Topic sentence dbc = are details b=concluding sentence

Section Three: Forms of Writing
DIRECTIONS: Items 84 and 85 contain extracts taken from different writings. Choose the alternative that best reflects the kind of writing the extracts come form and blacken Then blacken the letter of your choice in the space provided on the separate answer sheet.

84. _____His ears are turned back while noble looking head is held high. His all black coat glistens in the late afternoon sun. This is taken from a piece of writing that is most likely:
A. Descriptive
B. Expository
C. Narrative
D. Argumentative

85. A story written by person about his/her experience of travelling from one place to another would most likely be_________
A. descriptive
B. argumentative
C. process
D. narrative

Directions For items 86-89 choose the best alternative which is  written in a correct punctuation and capitalization. Then blacken the letter of your choice in the space provided on the separate answer sheet.

86. A. The high-level symposium was organized by Ethiopian Ministry of education.
      B. The high-level symposium was organized by Ethiopian Ministry of Education.
      C. The high-level symposium was organized by Ethiopian ministry of education.
      D. The high-level symposium was organized by Ethiopian ministry of education.

87. A. The OA.U usually meets in Addis Ababa.
      B. The O.A.U usually meets in Addis Ababa.
      C. The O.A.U. usually meets in Addis Ababa.
      D. The OAU. usually meets in Addis Ababa.

88. A. When I get older I will be able to drive.
      B. When I get older, I will be able to drive.
      C. When, I get older, I will be able to drive.
      D. When I get older I, will be able to drive.

89. A. What an incredible situation; it must make you nervous.
      B. What an incredible situation? it must make you nervous.
      C. What an incredible situation, it must make you nervous.
      D. What an incredible situation: it must make you nervous.

DIRECTIONS: in questions 90-92, the words are not in the proper order. When put in the right order, they make correct English sentences. From the given alternatives, choose the one with a correct order and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet.

90. now/books/on/studying/out/of/is/print/of/the/one/best
A. One of the best books on studying is now out of print.
B. Books on studying out of print is now one of the best.
C. Now books on studying out of print is one of the best.
D. Studying on books now is one of the best out of print.

91. babies/the/people/throughout/love/world
A. Throughout babies the world love people.
B. People love babies throughout the world.
C. Babies world throughout love the people.
D. People the babies throughout love world.

92. environment/a/of/affect/can/quality/polluted/our/a
A. A polluted can environment affect our quality of life.
B. A polluted environment can effect our quality of life.
C. A polluted quality environment of our life can affect.
D. A polluted affect environment of quality can our life.

Section Six: Word Spelling
DIRECTIONS: For items 93 and 94, choose the alternative with a correct spelling and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet.

93. A. illegible
      B. earthquake
      C. crtical
      D. deprsion

94. A. cooperative
      B. optimistic
      C. communication
      D. distinguished

IV. Communicative Activities
Directions : questions 95_120 are presented in the form of dialogue. The part said by one of the speakers is give, and a blank space is left for the blank spaces, four alternative answers, A – D, are given. Choose the one that is most appropriate to complete the dialogue and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

95. Driver: What’s the matter?
Policeman: You have violated a traffic rule._______
A. I am sorry. The road is free. I failed to notice you.
B. How can we allow people like you?
C. When you see a light, you should stop.
D. It is not business. It is the minimum penalty.

96. Mesele: It seems we are in a difficult time at the moment.     
A. Where are we?
B. Please arrive here as early as you can
C. We have informed them already.
D. I believe the situation will improve soon.

97. Selam: __________________________________   
      Kidist: An Italian person named Guglielmo Marconi.
A. How was  a radio invented
B. Who invented a radio
C. Why was a radio invented
D. Where was a radio invented

98. Melaku: many students don’t follow their lessons attentively.     
A. Another problem is that they don’t come to class regularly.
B. Did you see them this morning?
C. I don’t think I can help you.
D. We found it interesting to watch.

99. Reservationist: Can I have the dates for your departure and return?    
            Customer: Yes, I want to leave on July 27 and return on 30.    
      Reservationist: ______Did you say you wanted to return on July 30.  
            Customer: Sorry; I didn’t make myself clear. I want to return on  August 30.
A. I’m sorry; I didn’t follow what you said.
B. Do you have a flight phobia?
C. Why did you confuse me?
D. That is your first time to book a ticket.

100. Dibabe: ________________________      
        Muleta: As I see it, it has both pros and cons.
A. It is not easy to define globalization.
B. Globalization is relatively a recent phenomenon.
C. I think globalization is a threat to developing countries like ours.
D.  Where did you first hear the term globalization?

101. Marketing manager: Our clients are not pleased with our service. What suggestion have you got?    
           Marketing officer: _____________________________      
       Marketing manager: That’s an excellent idea. It’ll show them our concern.
A. I’d like to give some suggestions.
B. What are we going to change?
C. shall we invite them to meet with us?
D. I don’t understand why they are not happy?

102. Meseret: ____________________________       
        Muhaba: That’s a good idea. I’m really getting bored at home.
A. I’m afraid we can’t get all the job done today.
B. We may go for a walk this evening. What do you think?
C. We couldn’t do anything about it
D. Do you really think you can get along with him?

103. Alemeyehu: can you ride a motorbike?       
         Sintayehu: ______________
A. Yes, I do
B. No, I can ride a bicycle
C. Yes, I can’t ride a horse
D. No, I don’t

104. Rwada: Would you like something to drink?       
A. I need time to determine.
B. That is exactly what I see.
C. Interesting to be here with you.
D. I would like tea if you don’t mind.

105. Surafel: They should know that we can’t help them because we don’t have the time.                                                    Tolera:___________________
A. We can find out the information from our friend.
B. We don’t clearly know why he is so interested in the matter.
C. They insist on going out for dinner this evening.
D. Besides, we don’t have the required resources.

106. Masresha:____________________
          Samuel: I hope so.
A. By the end of the lesson we will have all understood the topic thoroughly.
B. The teacher advised us to work very hard in preparation for the national exam.
C. What do you think about the national exam?
D. Talk to the teacher about it.

107. Stranger: I am having trouble with my car.        
A. Perhaps you could go to a garage
B. Let’s not forget the brand
C. That sounds great
D. At least you should know about cars

108. Doul: What kinds of websites are very popular?     
A. Many people like to use them
B. Take for example Face book and twitter
C. Popular use twitter most often
D. They are famous in many countries

109. Gudina: What’s required to be a merchant?  
A. It’s the best way of giving service for a small business.
B. How could you open a business?
C. It is good idea.
D. Having a variety of asset would be an essential matter.

110. Kasa: What do you think of Selam?      
A. I feel the same way sometimes
B. I work with her
C. She is patient in class, but no other hand, she isn’t patient t home
D. Alright! I will let know if you need any information. Just ask me

111. Musema: ___________________    
          Tiruye: Dad. We always enjoy listening to him.
A. Who is the funniest person in your to him.
B. Do you usually have family gathering
C. Are your parents strict or Funny
D .What do you like the most about your family .

112. Mother: ____________________________      
           Son : Well, I will to as you said.
A. Do you really finish your homework by your own?
B. What sort of things did you buy?
C. I have put some soft drink in the refrigerator.
D. You won’t go out unless you do your homework.

113. Abush:____________________________        
        Helen: Yes, I do.
A. Have you ever compared beauty against virtue
B. Can you say virtue is more important than beauty
C. Do you think beauty is more important than virtue
D. What do you think is more important? Virtue or beauty

114. Teacher: ______________________?   
       Student: He has gone to Nazreth to attend his sister’s marriage.
A. Can you tell me where Petros is sitting
B. Can you tell me why your friend is absent.
C. Did you know much about your friend
D. Did your friend do the assignment.

115. Tigist: Are there any flowers in your house?     
A. In my bedroom
B. Both
C. Afew
D. My pleasure

116. Interviewer: _________________________     
       Interviewee: I would like to be a specialized worker yourself in a
A. Could you begin by telling me where you can see year.
B. Can you tell me your greatest weakness.
C. Could you tell me how you handle a stress.
D. can you tell me about difficult situation and how you overcame it.

117. Patient: __________________________      
        Doctor: That is what I told you several times to say health.
A. How about eating a lot of fat every day?
B. Is it okay to drink alcohol at weekends?
C. Sometimes, I don’t know the best foods.
D. I should have avoided caffeine and sugar.

118. Dawit: I like watching television in the evenings.       
      Fanuel: ___________________________
A. We are all happy that Shura won the marathon race.
B. For me, films are the most enjoyable pastime
C. We do exercise every morning.
D. Television has a long history.

119. Merid: Improvements in our team have been observed as a result as result of good trainings.                                  Thomas: ______________________________.
A. football is loved by many people everywhere
B. it is because that is where the players are
C. I am quite sure that our team will win
D. It is fun to watch sports with a lot of people

120.Teklu: some people turn deaf ear to he plights of others.     
     Digafe: _______________________
A. I  hear that you are from Bahir Dar.
B. Excuse me, but I didn’t understand what you were saying.
C. Shall we have a break?
D. I think we should go far a walk.

Answer Table



























































































































Answer with Explanation table



1. A

Clues: We use “when” as a time expressing in present, past and future. (When = “in which” something happens, happened or will happen)

2. A

Clues: We can use a simple present form to talk about fixed program (time tabled’ scheduled program) Example:

exam time table                                                  National game (race)

 tight schedule                                                    meetings, etc.

The first plane takes off after five minutes. (NOT: …. will take.)

3. C

Clues: The question is about agreement (positive or negative remarks) àPositive agreement is introduced by: So + any modal verbs + subject  (Sodo I, so can I  so is she, So am I, etc.)  She speaks English well, so does her brother.  

4. B

Clues: Use (the more, the less or the + – er form of adjective to talk about things that change/ vary together or to show parallel increase or decrease.) The order you get, the wiser you became. The more money you have, the more useless things you buy.

5. D

Clues: The “h” silent words use the indefinite article “an” before them (This means where ‘h’ is not read) Example: (an honest, an hour, an heir)

6. A

Clues: We can use “may or may not” to say that something will or will not probably happen.

7. C

Clues: Use present perfect + since + past tense (time expression) I’ve not seen Alemu since we departed in 2010.  

8. A

Clues: When we talk about something (action) which is always true Something habit, we use simple present verb, not future(will) you touch fire, it burns you. (NOT: will burn)

9. A

Clues: The question is “The reported statement” If we put the professors statement in past direct, it looks like this: The professor said, I taught in a university” The Reported is: The professor said that he had taught at a university (past perfect) But contextually, the professor is currently teaching in a university as there is not specific time mentioned. The tense is un-changed, in this case.

10. D

Clues: Use expression like (so that, in order that) to say for what purpose something happens/ someone does something, She has been studying hard so that /in order that she can perform well. = (So that/ in order that + clause)

11. A


12. C

Clues: We use “meanwhile” as an adverb to Somalia sib ay during the time that thing is happening at the same time, but elsewhere.  

13. C

Clues: In Non -defining relative clause, we give an extra/ additional information about something. — We also use a pair of commas to separate the defining from non-defining relative. = which is my favorite subject in non-essential. — We never use “that”

14. C

Clues: Words can be collected (they always go together) say: make decision/ agreement/pan/telephone call, etc. do business/ favour/ homework/ shopping, etc.

15. D

Clues: The word “reckless” means careless, indifferent to danger, so “because” can fit the meaning.

16. D


17. B

Clues: Some words such as decide, plan, agree, intend, hope, want, etc. are used with infinitive to.

18. D


19. C

Clues: The relative pronoun “which” introduces the noun phrase which is “the marketing plan”

20. A

Clues: Use if + past and would + simple verb to talk about improbable/ unlikely condition.

21. C

Clues: We use during + noun phrase to express a period of time within which an event/action occurs. Example: during the summer/ the lesson/ the war/ the class, etc.

22. C

Clues: Use if + past perfect and would have + v3 to talk about impossible condition. (to show that something didn’t happen)

23. B

Clues: We use “had better/should/ought to” give advice about something that is good to do

24. A

Clues: We use whereas/ while to join a balanced  contradiction. like to visit mountains whereas / while my friends seaside.

25. C

Clues: We can use “in case” to mean “because”. Here, “in case”  specifically to mean “for fear that”. They’ve installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case  there’s ever a fire.

26. A

Clues: We make a past past passive construction with: was/were * v3

27. B

Clues: If something (Example. noise, bad habit, etc.) is annoying, it annoys us, and we’re annoyed by it. This kind of form is known as present participle (interesting, shocking, astonishing, amazing, boring, etc.)

28. D

Clues: We use “should” to say that to do something is good as it’s important (adviceable) We use “have to” when doing something is required to be law: external authority.

29. C

Clues: When something was consecutively done in the past, we use , the same kind of tense She entered the room, took shower and had her lunch.

30. D

Clues: Yesterday is past time reference, so past verb is preferable. Besides, the sentence is active form

31. A

Clue: pull down (phrasal verb) means to demolish or destroy abuilding (especially by storm) (Example: A powerful storm pulled down the old buildings) Pull out: Leave or withdrawn (removing something from a container)  

32. C

Clue: by the time (when) I see the manager

33. B

Clues: Use past perfect structure to talk about past wish. I wish I had listened mean 1 didn’t listen. (see Q18)

34. A

Clues: I totally/ completely’ entirely agree

35. B

Clues: To say that something belongs to someone (possession/belongingness), we use “Whose”.

36. A

(see Q 22)

37. A

Clues: lay: lays, laying, laid/laid (past and past participle) A hen lays an egg  A hen has laid an egg

38. B

Clues: can = can’t  “These verb forms arc used to express inability (impossible to see something)

39. A


40. B

Clue: We say, “I can/could manage to…” to express ability. Example. Finally, we could manage to pass the driving license examination

41. D

Clue: Use preposition to after adjectives such as rude, polite, kind, etc.

42. A

Clue: ‘Should and ought to’ have the same meaning (advisability): Basically, they both mean “This is a good idea”. “This is a good advice” (I should/ ought to lose some weight) ‘must and have to’ both express necessities, but must is a little stronger than have to for strong necessity recommendation.

43. A

Clue: If something or someone is compared with (from the entire). in some qualities, a superlative form of adjective is used. (as, the least; the most: the best, the worst, etc.)  

44. B

Clue: Look at the difference between for and in case of.   In case of =/If there should be)  Example: Take an umbrella in case of rain.  Take an umbrella in case of it’ll rain later.  for = because of (used with noun phrase). She looks better for having lost weight.  

45. D

Clue: Use for/since + past time indicator to talk about the action began in the past and may continue into present/ future-which is present prefect tense (have/has +v,) Example: She has used my dictionary for a week. (still she uses it).

46. C

Clue: Use future perfect tense (will have + v3) to express that action will be over before another action in the future.

Key word: Tomorrow this time           

By next week.           

By June,           

By the time you come, etc.           

By the time you come back, I’ Il have finished my homework.  

47. C

Clue: Use anywhere/somewhere/nowhere as an indefinite pronoun expressing a place. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I could find it nowhere. My pen is somewhere in the house.

48. D

Clue: Usage: ‘but’ preceded by a comma when used in the middle “despite” doesn’t require any punctuation when used in the middle ‘even though’ doesn’t require any punctuation when used in the middle Even so means however/nevertheless and require full stop or semicolon before it and followed by a comma.

49. B

Clue: Why was the manager funning (= feeling irritated)?  Because it was supposed that all the invited guests to be appeared for the theatre, unfortunately nearly some of them (= a few of them) appeared.

50. D

—> (Negative question needs positive reply)

51. D

Clue: “Since last October” means from last year up to now (present time) It’s the function of present perfect tense.

52. B

Clue: “Since last October” means from last year up to now (present time) It’s the function of present perfect tense.

53. A

Clue: When you express purpose clause use “to” and “not to “with so, in order + base verb. (so as not to, not to, in order not to) for negative idea.

54. C

Clue: When you express purpose clause use “to” and “not to “with so, in order + base verb. (so as not to, not to, in order not to) for negative idea.  

55. A

Clue: Use “will” for expressing sudden decision that you will do  in the future. (sudden decision= not previously Planned)

56. B

Clue: Past perfect tense is followed by past tense

57. D

Clue: Past perfect tense is followed by past tense

58. D

Clue: The form of improbable condition if + past simple tense and would + simple verb.

59. C

Clues: Unlike = not like/dissimilar to In the question above “unlike” is preposition and means “differently from “or” in contrast with” ·  Unlike our school, your school gives a night class (= our school doesn’t give a bight class)  

60. D

Clues: as long as = if, assuming.

61. D

Clues: amputation (N): the loss of a limb.

62. B

Clues: resolution (N): a strong will; determination.

63. A

Clues :variability (N):the state or characteristics of being variable

64. A


65. C

Clues: stable(adj): established, not easily moved

66. C

Clues: resilient(adj): able to endure, without cracking

67. C

Clues: discretion (N): the ability to make wise choices or decisions.

68. C


69. C


70. A


71. B


72. A


73. C


74. A


75. B


76. B

Clues: To take away: To remove something 
           To subtract or diminish something.

77. C

Clues: If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, open your letter in “Dear sir/Madam,” and end it in “Yours faithfully, If you write the name of the person (like: Dear Dr. Abebe, etc), close it in “Yours sincerely”.  

78. B


79. A

Clues: These kinds of sentences belong to the ending of formal letter (especially letter of request).

80. A


81. C


82. C


83. A


84. A

Clues: Phrases like: ears getting turned back, noble looking head, glistening black coat, etc. are all describing words. They put the mental image of the person in the readers mind.

85. D

Clues: When you write about the places you visited, you tell when/action in time order (chronologically).

86. B


87. C


88. A

Clues: If you begin a sentence in subordinating conjunctions such as: when, if, before, although, etc, you’ll separate it from independent clause by a comma. If you make an error, you’ll miss some marks.  

89. A

Clues: Use a semicolon to separate independent clauses.

90. A


91. B


92. B


93. B


94. A


95. C


96. D


97. B


98. A


99. A


100. C


101. C


102. B


103. B


104. D


105. D


106. B


107. A


108. B


109. D


110. C


111. A


112. D


113. C


114. B


115. C


116. A


117. D


118. B


119. C


120. B




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