
Instructor Bio

A team of experts in their respective fields, each possessing extensive experience in preparing content for job exams.
Ethiopian Electric Power Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Ethiopian Electric...
13 Lectures
Ethiopian Electric Utility Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Ethiopian Electr...
11 Lectures
Ethio/Safari Telecom Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Ethio/Safari Telecom E...
8 Lectures
Embassy Jobs Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Embassy Jobs Exam. This course...
12 Lectures
Bank Graduate/Engineer Trainee Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Bank Graduat...
7 Lectures
Bank-Accountant Exam Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Bank-Accountant Exam E...
13 Lectures
Bank Management Trainee Exam Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Bank Managemen...
10 Lectures
Ethiopia Airline Trainee Pilot Exam Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Airlin...
10 Lectures
Ethiopia Airline Cabin Crew Exam Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Airline C...
11 Lectures
GAT Exam: Comprehensive Question Bank Free Question Bank: Engage with a diverse collection of questions. Each question has been carefully chosen to...
15 Lectures
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Exam Welcome to our specially designed free course, an ideal starting point for students preparing for their Aircr...
13 Lectures
GAT Exam: Comprehensive Question Bank-Advanced Extensive Question Bank: Access a comprehensive collection of 4875 premium questions, each carefull...
15 Lectures
Br5,000 Br999
5 (1)
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Exam Preparation Course: Extensive Question Bank: Access a comprehensive collection of 4200 premium questions, eac...
13 Lectures
Br5,500 Br1,099
4 (1)
Ethiopia Airline Cabin Crew Exam Preparation Course: Extensive Question Bank: Access a comprehensive collection of 3540 premium questions, each ca...
11 Lectures
Br5,000 Br999
5 (1)
Ethiopia Airline Trainee Pilot Exam Preparation Course: Extensive Question Bank: Access a comprehensive collection of 3240 premium questions, each...
10 Lectures
Br4,500 Br899
Ethio/Safari Telecom Exam Preparation Course: Extensive Question Bank: Access a comprehensive collection of 2700 premium questions, each carefully ...
8 Lectures
Br4,000 Br799
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